A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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✿ For Taku, adventure comes to those who seek it! And what better source of adventure than the mysterious legends of the village elder? When Old Man Eden speaks of a way into another dimension, Taku decides to seek the truth of those words. What awaits our young adventurer on the morning of legend? Only a journey into the fog will tell!

Ciikos Bridge Features:

A friendly adventure story
Trading gameplay
Five endings
1+ hours of playtime*
❀ Official Guidebook contains hints, solutions, extra art, and more!

*Total playtime is mainly dependent on reading speed, how quickly you trade with other characters, and how many endings you try to see.


Favorite Character Poll
Ciikos Bridge on the Lemma Soft Forums
Official page on skyharborr.net

!! Content Warnings !!

This game includes a naked male character. Keep the modesty leaf toggled ON from the main menu to cover him up.
This game includes flashing animations.
This game includes instances of minors consuming alcohol.

PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Release date Apr 23, 2016
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(55 total ratings)
GenreVisual Novel, Adventure
Made withRen'Py
TagsAnime, Cute, Fantasy, Multiple Endings, Ren'Py, Singleplayer, Trading
Average sessionAbout an hour
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

CiikosBridge-1.2-win.zip 86 MB
CiikosBridge-1.2-mac.zip 85 MB
CiikosBridge-1.2-linux.tar.bz2 90 MB
CiikosBridge_OfficialGuidebook.pdf 9.8 MB
CiikosBridge_character_rank_wallpaper.png 1.5 MB


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this game is screaming out color! the backgrounds help show the magical world very well and i like how there isnt any romance with the main character and its just a boy wanting to adventure, the characters desgins in this game are so creative with the differnet species and colors , i also like how you gave a free guidebook and wallpaper, the trading mechanic feels like something a person would do if they went into a magical world to and just nice work!

Thank you so much for your kind comment :)

no problem! ^^


Really enjoyed this game. Loved the premise, backgrounds and character designs, and the trading mechanic was a nice change from traditional VNs. The raccoon dog was my favorite character and luckily I was somehow able to get all the choices right to trigger his ending without the guide.

I'd love to see a sequel or another game set in this world or with these characters, but for now Imma check out the other endings too.


I played this over year ago and I just got on Itch now. I love this visual novel. Captivating art, compelling mini-game, distinct and memorable characters! Playing it has been so refreshing. I'm not too much of a gamer, but this is definitely different from the visual novels I've tried before. The colors and their blending really helped set the mood. I felt really immersed!


Also kinda wished there was a sequel or something. The world is so interesting and I want to be able to interact with the characters more! Can't Taku return sometime?

Thank you so much for your kind comments :D I'm really glad you enjoyed the game! As for a sequel... there's nothing officially in the works at the moment but I would love to make one one day too! So there's a good chance Taku and the rest will pop again one way or another :)


Ahhh I love this game so much! I really enjoyed pretty much everything about it (art, music, trading...) The endings were great but I almost wish the game was longer so I could spend more time with the characters! But I just have to say thank you for making this wonderful game! ♥

It somehow says that the download is forbidden. I literally don't know what to do about this.

Hi! Can you email a screenshot of this message to skyharborr [at] gmail [dot] com? I'll see what I can do for you.

Oh no! It's okay. I'm sorry for the trouble but my friend already fixed it for me. 

Now, I'm just enjoying the game so far. ^^" 

Glad your were able to get things working! If you run into any other issues you can contact me anytime at that email address or a comment here ^__^

Hi it's okay I figured it out! YAY! 

Glad you got it figured out!


Hi, I love your game! I'm a little stuck at the moment and I can't think of anything else to do, so I'm at the part where I need to find some food for blossom so I can get the cameo and I need to give Ratsu a cure. I'm really confuse, I can't think of anything to trade because they can't trade with me because of items. I'm probably over thinking this but help I'm stuck ;3;

I love love love the game so far, the world building is SO interesting! I also love how the main character is male yet very feminine, that's so unique! (I actually thought he was a girl until reading the guidebook!)

However, I am stuck, so please help me!

I'm at the part where Ratsu will accompany you somewhere, I've already healed Riku and Hare (although they are still stuck together). I've tried all options on everyone, cursing everyone, healing everyone, healing when not cursed, and the flower spell. Nothing seems to be progressing the game. I also tried looking in the guidebook but it doesn't say anything about this part in the game.

What do I do?

Hi! Thanks for playing!! It sounds like you need to get the rabbit cameo for the Forest Lord! If you've already healed Tanukawa as well then this sounds like the last step you need to do. You should be able to obtain it by trading with Tanukawa! Let me know if you need any more help!

I already obtained the rabbit cameo for the Forest Lord- I was able to do that before I had the option of having Ritsu follow me around. I have 1 and a half silver pieces right now.

Oooh... If Tanukawa still has talismans on his body you need to heal him some more then!

Yay, it worked!  Thanks so much! (I got ending 3/5 btw)


This entire game was so heartwarming and cute, I had a really hard time keeping myself from squealing. And it went without a hitch for me. No errors or anything. (I once ended up losing my mind at one point trying to get the rabbit cameo, but I eventually figured it out.)

And my only complaint is Ratsu, like, seriously, if you're so hungry, then just acCEPT THE GODDAMN PECANS!! (Had to go to Hare and Riku for that exotic fruit. Bought it 5 times or something just because of his picky ass.) And I spent so much time trying to figure out witch foods do what, and while trying to get the Riku and Hare ending I ended up cursing Tanukawa 3 times (sorry)

But overall, I enjoyed it a lot. And my favorite ending out of the three I've uncovered was "Brotherly Bonds" (was that the name?). It was just so sweet <3

I really wish there were more games like these out there.

(By the way, what does the "Flos Pluvia" spell do exactly?)


Thank you so much for playing and for the wonderful comment! Flos Pluvia is a useless spell! All it does it rain flowers down from the sky haha. And yes, Ratsu is a bit of a picky eater isn't he! I'm really glad to you enjoyed the Brothers' ending (they say creators aren't supposed to have favorites but coughthatendisprobablymyfavoritecough). Thank you again for checking out this humble game!

At first, the Trading is a bit confusing but then getting easier as I progress through the game (and of course, big thanks to the clue in the guidebook x3 )

Ciikos Bridge is such a delight adventure through simple choices in the story, and all concludes to sweet sibling bonds at the end. Keep up the good work (^_^)9

I am losing my mind trying to get the rabbit cameo so the plot can move forward. Help?

Hi! Tanukawa will give you the rabbit cameo in exchange for one of Ratsu's items (Ratsu is happy to take back a fragrant flower if you want something else from him!)


I seem to be stuck. Ratsu is inebriated, Riku and Hare are cursed(?) by Ratsu(oops) and I don't seem to have access to an item that allows me to trade for the tonic to heal Ratsu. I've tried everything I can get to. Sake, berries, fish, egg, mushroom, chocolate. I mean, I have a save I can go back too, but it was frustrating to get stuck without a way to advance is all. Just wanted to let you know about it.

Enjoying the game otherwise so far :)

Thank you for letting me know about this! I will investigate the issue and fix it as soon as I can.

@skyharborr Hi there! I need some troubleshooting tips please!!

when I extract it puts it back into a zip file I can't access like it hasn't been extracted even though I sit and do the stuff to extract it. I'm using jZip and havent really encountered any problem like this before. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.

Hi audinobutt, I would suggest re-downloading to see if it fixes the issue as it might have been a problem with the download process. If that doesn't work, you can try using 7zip or your operating system's native extracting function (I'm assuming you are on Windows as I'm unaware if jZip runs on Mac or Linux. I think Windows 7 SP1 and higher should have this function). If your issue persists, you can also download and install the game through the itch.io app. Let me know if this resolves your issue!


I just played through the game to get all the endings and I love it x3

The story is just so cute and fun, evn if I got stuck on the traiding part for quite a while on my first run it was still funny to see how different things worked and such. If i ever want to just play a calming story game I have a great game here now. Thanks for making this :D

Thank you for playing! I'm so glad you enjoyed it :)

naked male character ?



Hi dibdob1! The nudity in-game is toggled OFF (censored) by default. I believe nudity is natural and beautiful so it is something I like to include in my works, however I realize we all have different tastes and preferences so it is perfectly fine if you decide to pass on Ciikos Bridge due to the nudity. That said, I can assure you that despite the nudity there is no sexual content in this game at all. I hope you found the content warnings useful (and if you have any other questions about the game's contents feel free to ask). Have a great day!


Thanks i don't mind nudity :)

as long as we have some ladies too :P

(1 edit) (+3)

You are a wonderful person.

Sorry if this came out of nowhere but what you say is true and I have found not many agree.

I love art and drawing, so I look at nude people all the time for references or stock photos and often have to hide what I draw because of others aversion to nudity. It's completely natural and something that shouldn't have to be hidden.

People are beautiful, no matter what size or shape, color or features.

Again, sorry for coming out of nowhere with this but I'm just really happy there is someone else who doesn't think nudity is outright a terrible thing that should always be censored. x///x

I'd also like to say, wonderful game. ^^


Thank you for the kind comment, Hanchan. I wish you the best with your art and thank you for checking out this little game!

Some of us enjoy the naked male form?


CONGRATS I can'ttt wait to replay this game again ;u;


Thanks again z!!! <33 Enjoy replaying!!!